Kevin Evans is a published illustrator, fine artist and a 16+ years video game industry veteran.
Evans holds a BFA in illustration and painting. His company affiliations include: Lucas Arts / Lucas film, Marvel Comics, Sega, Sony, Activision, Take2 and Mondo Media. Highlights of the 17+ titles he has worked on include: “Afterlife”, “Outlaws”, “Jedi Knight”, “Star Wars Starfighter”, “Gladius”, and “Republic Commando”. Evans is also a consultant to San Francisco City College’s emerging computer arts program.
Freelance illustration clients include, among many others, San Francisco Chronicle, Mondo 2000, The Nose, American Brewer, East Bay Express, S.F. Bay Guardian, Sacramento News & Review, City Magazine, and Project H.E.A.R.
In addition to work in the games industry and illustration, Evans' artwork has been included in many fine art exhibitions in the United States and abroad. Highlights include Varnish Fine Art and Meridian Gallery in San Francisco, The Kellogg University Art Gallery, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Arts Council of Sonoma County Gallery, Nicolet College Art Gallery and Maison d'Ailleurs Museum of Utopia in Switzerland. In 2009 he co-curated a group show with Carrie Galbraith, "Kinkade Cannibalized," as the inaugural opening of Winston Smith’s "Grant's Tomb Gallery" in San Francisco.
Evans' artwork has been featured in various publications including a Lovecraft Retrospective: Artists Inspired by HP Lovecraft, Centipede Press, and Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos, Gakken, Japan.
Varnish Fine Art, San Francisco
Winston Smith's Grant's Tomb Gallery
Meridian Gallery, San Francisco
Somar Gallery, San Francisco
Maison d'Ailleurs, Museum of Utopia in Switzerland
Nicolet College Art Gallery
Arts Council of Sonoma County Gallery
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
The Kellogg University Art Gallery, Cal Poly CA
ArtSPACE @ 16, Malden MA
Periscope Cellars, Emeryville CA
Rhythmix K Gallery, Alameda CA
Miscellaneous References:
A Lovecraft Retrospective: Artists Inspired by HP Lovecraft, Centipede Press
Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos, Gakken, Japan
RE/Search Publications: "PRANKS 2!"
This Is Burning Man (By Brian Doherty)
Dust And Illusions (film) by Olivier Bonin