This Dionysus-themed group show rounds out our inaugural year by filling the main and mezzanine galleries with a Varnish-styled collection of works geared towards our wine-imbibing and contemporary art savoring clientele---just in time for the holidays. Participating artists include:
Grant Irish, Jud Bergeron, Joe Cariati, Elizabeth Dante, Albert Dicruttalo, Joel Dugan, Dann Gesink, Paul Graf, Ben Harris, Rey Hernandez, Jordin Isip, Rogelio Martinez, Stephanie Morgan, Jen Rogers, Kristen Sard, Wayne Shaffer, Winston Smith, Kerri Stephens, Raymond Suarez, Heather Loque, Damon Soule, Zenaida Sengo, Marci Washington, Kelly Jones, Kelly Tunstall, Alika Cooper, Brian McDonald, Jason Lindscott, Michael Maes, Steve Smith, Jim Haynes, Dan Romo, Angela & Seth Isaacs.