Selected by 3 jurors from an extensive pool of talent---Varnish directors Kerri Stephens and Jennifer Rogers with Justin Giarla of the Shooting Gallery---and presented by ArtSpan, this group exhibit showcases 30 artists under 30 years of age, celebrating the Y Generation. Each of the participating artists are affiliated with either the California College of the Arts or ArtSpan, including
Rita Alves, Hilary Williams, Joseph Findeiss, Josh Hershman, Ernesto Ortiz, Lauren Cohen, Gavin Worth, Argishti Musakhanyan, Theo Rigby, Kate Nichols, Noah Sakamoto, Estee Stevens, Joshua Hagler, Julia Goodman, Kara Nelson, Sam Snowden, Leah Rosenberg, Ian Norstad, Ian Amberson, Ariel Clute, Matt Momchilov, Seth Armstrong, Peter Belkin, Judy Wu, Jessica Laurent, Carol Anne McChrystal, Nancy Chan, Deanna Charles, Queena Hernandez, and
Demon Cutler.
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