Nemo Gould works in what could be called the figurative, abstract robot realm creating works from such found items as vacuum cleaners, lamps, sewing machines and motors which find themselves "reassembled" to find new life in art. Gould's sculpture seems alive, displaying an inordinate amount of personality.
Built from bronze, wood, forged steel, found objects and his ubiquitous "gizmo optical lens" each of Dan Romo's sculptures reveal a subtle mayhem. At first glance Romo's sculpture Peepshow appears to incorporate the elements of a sentimental winter scene that one might find in a Victorian snow globe. But his "reassembling" of tropes and visuals reveals that indeed, a great deal has gone wrong on that bright, festive winter day.
Barry Kite's repositioning of art and media imagery are driven by social and political parody. His photo collages alter and blend images that have long been associated with art as well as contemporary media to make a point about our assumptions about the world we live in. His interest in "reassembling" elements is built around what the Chicago Sun Times called his "irreverent, blasphemous marriages of fine art and often campy icons."