Underneath Nostalgic Rotation

Eric White, Jordin Isip and Carl Dunn

July 10 - August 14, 2004

Opening Reception: Saturday, July 10th, 7-11pm

Underneath Nostalgic Rotation
Eric White, Jordin Isip, & Carl Dunn are Underneath Nostalgic Rotation.

Eric White has been called the anti-Norman Rockwell, partially because of his ability to capture the lucid, formal qualities of photography in oil paint on canvas, as well as his interest in looking to 40's era Hollywood for inspiration.

Jordin Isip, an illustrator by trade, uses mixed media on paper and wood to create iconic and somber narratives.

Having appeared in The New Yorker, The Progressive, Rolling Stone, and the Village Voice, Carl Dunn's expressionistic painting and sculptures use primary colors, collage and found materials.

Together, these artists reflect this show's title: Underneath=Jordin Isip, Nostalgic=Eric White & Rotation=Carl Dunn.