The great peeps over at SF Art Enthusiast posted a great little write up about our DECADE-1 exhibit.
"DECADE-1,” a group exhibition at Varnish Fine Art of fourteen artists who have exhibited at the gallery throughout the last ten years, celebrates the gallery’s history while concurrently illustrating founders Jen Rogers and Kerri Stephens’ commitment to directing their mission and interests into the next decades, presenting a particularly unique contemporary pop-surrealism style. In DECADE-1 Varnish Fine Art brings together a diverse group of artists whose work is emblematic of the gallery’s values and chronicles the vibrant history of exhibitions. Chris Mars’ three paintings on view recalled Varnish’s long-time relationship with the artist, who has been exhibiting works since their old gallery space into the new, current space. Mars was featured in the two Relaunch exhibitions in 2011. Chuck Sperry’s framed screenprint, “Victory” may remind viewers of the intriguing, three-person group show last January where Sperry exhibited with Ron Donovan and Chris Shaw entitled Mind Spring. Jennybird Alcantara’s “Dissecting Girls Disguised As Butterflies” and ”Entertaining the Wise Counsel of Swan-Tipped Flowers” evokes images of Varnish’s gallery space filled with her colorful dreamscapes at Creatures of Saintly Disguise last June. Ransom and Mitchell’s expertly created photo-portraits and two skillfully rendered prop birds recalls the duo’s popular Smoke and Mirrors exhibition last September as well as the gruesome yet brilliant installation in the bathroom of Varnish Fine Art’s ArtPadSF hotel room in May, 2012.
Hop on over to their SITE to see more pics from the show and read more of their great stuff.